Empowering Innovative education since 1994

Headphones & Microphones in Education

Headphones and microphones: whether it’s a microphone for speech, some wireless systems for the school production, or headphones to help with multimedia, we’ve chosen the best brands for the job. 

Vocal & Speech Microphones

Here’s a choice of rugged vocal microphones for ensemble use, along with voiceover microphones for multimedia and presentation microphones.

Instrument Microphones

Unlike voice, instruments come with vastly different dynamic ranges. Here are some top choices for a variety of instruments. If you need advice, get in touch and we’ll make sure you get looked after.

Wireless Headphones & Microphones

Factory Sound are Australia’s wireless microphone experts. From a single channel through to a sophisticated multi-channel system, we’ll make sure your wireless signals are crystal clear and interference-free.


When it’s time to zone in while editing video and other multimedia content, headphones can be less distracting than studio monitors.
Supporting educators since 1994

Headphones & Microphones in Education

For music performance, ensemble rehearsal, content capture and creation, sound design, or getting the message across at school assembly, Factory Sound has the right choice of microphone to suit any application. We are specialists in pro audio, and can provide the right advice to help guide you in the right direction.

Need support for a bigger Education project?

If your school needs more serious audio infrastructure, turn to our Projects Team, who have helped a vast number of schools achieve their long-term infrastructure goals for both new projects as well as refurbushments.
Our entire team are pro audio specialists, so get in touch if you’re not sure which is are best Headphones and Microphones to fit your school. Use the form below for more comprehensive assistance from our Projects team.