Terms & Conditions
Factory Sound’s Terms & Conditions
Any enquiries and sales made at Factory Sound must be made according to the special conditions as listed herein. We make every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on our website. However, Factory Sound does not accept responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies in the upload of models, prices, or specifications. We strive to provide accurate information, but errors may occur unintentionally, for which we will not be held accountable.
Prices marked as RRP are Recommended Retail Prices – that is, the price suggested by each relevant importer/wholesaler. All other prices not marked as RRP are the special prices offered by Factory Sound. These special prices are designed to assist the professional audio community and creative artists. Schools, Government bodies and corporations who choose Factory Sound as their preferred supplier also qualify for our great pricing.
All elements of this website, including but not limited to blog posts, information, product images, illustrations, artwork, and other graphic materials, as well as the Factory Sound name, logos, and trademarks, are the exclusive property of Factory Sound and are protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws. Any such content may be displayed and printed solely for your personal and non-commercial use. You expressly agree not to engage in any of the following activities without the prior written consent of Factory Sound:
- Reproduction: You shall not reproduce, duplicate, or copy any of the materials or content, whether in part or in whole.
- Transmission: You shall not retransmit or electronically transmit any of the materials or content to any third party.
- Distribution: You shall not distribute, disseminate, or otherwise make available any of the materials or content to any third party.
- Sale: You shall not sell, resell, or otherwise commercialise any of the materials or content.
- Publication: You shall not publish, make public, or otherwise disclose any of the materials or content to the public.
- Broadcasting: You shall not broadcast, perform, or display any of the materials or content to the public.
- Circulation: You shall not circulate or make available any of the materials or content to the public.
Any unauthorised use of these materials or content is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. Factory Sound reserves all rights not expressly granted herein.
E&OE. While Factory Sound makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website, we cannot guarantee that it is entirely free from errors or omissions. We reserve the right to make necessary corrections. If you require specific clarification about our products or need advice, please feel free to contact us via telephone, email, or visit Factory Sound in person.
Factory Sound reserves the right to reject an order if, in our sole opinion, it is unacceptable.
Payment for your order can be made via our secure checkout pages using Visa, MasterCard or PayPal. Card charges will appear on your statement as “Factory Sound Sales P/L”.
Your credit card payment will be processed at the time of order placement. In the event of any supply issues, your payment method will be refunded as swiftly as possible. Please note that it may take a day or two for the refund to show as cleared funds in your account, depending on your payment provider.
International Orders – Factory Sound can and will only supply to individuals, companies, schools, government departments, bands, houses of worship, etc within Australia. No overseas orders are permissible, nor will such orders be processed. Please note that Tasmania is definitely considered part of Australia, but New Zealand is not.
Factory Sound does not engage in the processing, shipping, or handling of international orders. As a result, we will not be responsible for any costs or liabilities incurred by customers who attempt to place international orders. These potential costs may include, but are not limited to, customs duties, taxes, currency conversion fees, and any other expenses associated with international transactions.
To the maximum extent permitted by law Factory Sound disclaims all warranties with regard to the information and applications contained on the website and your use of the website, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall Factory Sound, our contractors, agents, or employees be liable for any damages whatsoever (including special, indirect or consequential) arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of the website whether in contract, at common law or in equity, or on any other basis.
These Terms and Conditions do not exclude any liability which any law requires Factory Sound to accept. Should Factory Sound become liable for any breach of any such condition or warranty, Factory Sound’s liability shall be limited at its option, to any one or more of the following:
(i) In the case of goods: replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods; repair of the goods; payment of the cost of replacing the goods or acquiring goods; or payment of the cost of having the goods repaired; and
(ii) In the case of services: either supply the services again or payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.
For additional reading, please look over our warranties, returns and refunds statement, the content of which is incorporated into these Terms & Conditions.
Security – At the time that you place your order and are asked to supply personal information you enter a secure environment. From that time, the link between your Web browser and the Factory Sound online shop will be protected using a security certificate. This will be obvious, as indicated by the appearance of a padlock on your browser.
Please note that credit card numbers will not be stored on the website and will never be made publicly available. All information concerning your order is encrypted and can only be viewed by members of Factory Sound directly responsible for the processing and shipping of your order.
Stock Availability – Factory Sound will endeavour to supply all items publicised within our online store. Products will be removed from the online store as soon as Factory Sound becomes aware that those items are unavailable. However, there may be unavoidable occasions when:
(i) All or part of your order cannot be immediately fulfilled, or
(ii) All or part of your order cannot be fulfilled at all.
In cases where part of an order cannot be immediately fulfilled, we will dispatch the available items as soon as possible.
If any part of your order cannot be fulfilled at all, we will promptly notify you via email or telephone.
All products with a limited sales period displayed in the Factory Sound online shop will have the end date clearly shown.
In the event that a product does not have a specified sales period and becomes unavailable due to unexpected or high demand, and that item is ordered by you before Factory Sound has withdrawn that item from the Factory Sound online shop, Factory Sound will not be held responsible for inability to complete that order. We will, however, make every effort to assist you in finding suitable alternatives or processing a refund under Australian Consumer Law.
Special Order Items – Items marked as ‘special order items’ will be ordered especially for you. Once the order has been placed with our relevant supplier, your order cannot be cancelled, nor can any refund be made if you change your mind.
Expected Delivery Standards – Factory Sound will endeavour to dispatch all orders within 1 working day of receiving the order and endeavour to deliver all orders within a reasonable timeframe, typically within 3-7 business days from receipt of the order. In cases where some items are on backorder, we will maintain an open dialogue with you until all items have been received by Factory Sound, shipped and the order has been successfully fulfilled. As such, items may be delivered to you individually and/or separately.
Order consignments will ship via StarTrackExpress, Australia Post, or a variety of local and instant couriers, depending on the best result as determined by Factory Sound logistics.
Incorrect Details Entered – Please note that acceptance of your order implies that we will fulfil your order within the time specified above in the Expected Delivery Standards.
The following situations are exceptions:
(i) if and when incorrect payment details, including credit card details, are supplied;
(ii) where correct credit card details are supplied but funds are not approved.
Please note that our commitment to fulfilling orders promptly is contingent upon receiving accurate and complete information from the customer. It is your responsibility as the customer to ensure that the payment and delivery details you provide are accurate and up-to-date. We strongly encourage you to double-check and verify the information you submit with your order to avoid any potential issues with order fulfilment.
In the event that you supply incorrect payment and delivery details, Factory Sound will take all reasonable steps to contact you using the personal details that you have provided. In the event that your supplied contact details are incorrect, Factory Sound does not accept responsibility for the inability to fulfil your order, or for not being able to advise you that this is the case.
Returns and Exchanges – Make your selections carefully. Late-night online shopping can be fraught with dramas if you’ve had a few too many of the ambers or reds. Make no mistake, any product that is not of acceptable quality or is faulty will be replaced or a refund provided, however, if you simply wish to change your mind, Factory Sound is under no obligation to provide a refund or exchange.
Have a closer look at our Refunds and Returns page, as outlined by the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission, the content of which is incorporated into these Terms & Conditions.
Minimum order value – note that a minimum value of AUD $10.00 applies to all Factory Sound internet orders.
GST – Unless otherwise indicated, all prices are inclusive of Australian Goods and Services Tax (GST). Factory Sound will issue a compliant tax invoice with your order.